Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hi, How are you? It's nice to meet you too!

That's Amazing!
Sure, Miss Ann at daycare is impressed that you know all your letters, numbers, colors and shapes, but I'm wowed at how your vocabulary continues to expand by leaps and bounds ("That's amazing!").

I must admit my least favorite (relatively) new phrase is "I want, I want" -- not so much because of the demand but because it is frequently stated without any specificity about the object of your desire.
"What do you want?"
Not that I would necessarily give in to whatever it is you want, but sometimes it's as simple as wanting to play or having a snack.  These are things I would happily give in to, if I only I knew you wanted them!

An even bigger milestone is stringing together longer thoughts and sentences. This is often impressive, even when used somewhat inappropriately: "Hello, Daddy. How are you?  It's nice to meet you."  (I'm pretty sure you and daddy have met before - numerous times in fact!).

Apparently, you have also become the arbiter of funny. "No, mommy, that's not funny," I get scolded when I laugh at a joke. Daddy gets the same scolding too, as do other people, like Pop-pop, just the other day.  But, the thing is, it is funny.  Why do you keep telling us it's not??

One of the most bittersweet of your intellectual leaps is your improved pronunciation.  Gone are the days of "chach n cheese" and "Wanus" -- here are the days of eating "mac and cheese" and watching "Thomas."  The sweetly sung nighttime call of "ya you" has been replaced with the decidedly more mature sounding "I love you."

You are growing up too fast!!

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