Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Swim Lessons for Jonathon

Your 2nd day of swim lessons began identically to your first: you looked down at your feet and refused to move. Your arms circled but only because Miss Christina moved them. Unfortunately, Miss Emily (your fave) was not there and won't be back - something about family vacation and heading back to college. Such is the nature of working with teenagers, I suppose.

Anyhoo, Mommy saw you were struggling to get your mojo so she gave you what she thought was a reassuring "you can do it!"wave from afar.

You apparently saw it as more of a "ditch that swim lesson and hang with me" sort of wave and you ran over.

"No! Go back to your lesson," she called.

You grabbed her legs and hugged her. Then you ran back and began participating.

Was that all you needed-- a hug? Aww... I'm sorry, little man. My bad.

Note to self:
Never ever ever forget the hug. Ever.

The rest of swim lessons went great except for the fact that the teachers called you Jonathon the whole time. When I corrected them, the one who had been with us the day before was pretty mortified and very apologetic.

As we were leaving, your classmate, Matthew, called out, "Bye Jonathon!" Oops.

Note to Cole: When someone calls you Jonathon, tell them, No, my name is COLE. Own it!! :-)

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