Sunday, August 5, 2012

Extreme Yard Makeover

Now that we have a new patio, new grass and all sorts of awesomeness in our yard, we are hoping to put in a swing / play set for you and Charlie.  We have a special area near the garage picked out. Mommy spent several hours leveling it a few weeks ago. She spent even more time today trying to make it perfect. She has no idea what she is doing so it's not going well. Or maybe it's going great. Therein lies the challenge.
Here you are at the edge of the new play
area - before anything was done to it.

Doing yard work like this is hard for Mommy, but great for you and Charlie. You love, love, love being outside. In between playing in the sandbox, riding in your big plastic car and just generally running around the yard like lunatics, you and Charlie had a blast. You even helped Mommy clean up the play area. Your job: removing rocks. Here's how it went:

  1. You would find rocks and put them in a bucket.  
  2. Charlie would steal the bucket and dump out the rocks in random places. 
  3. You would yell at him. 
  4. Repeat.

Meanwhile, Daddy was pulling out roots and moving the sprinkler around to water different parts of the lawn.

Charlie in the play area holding
a container of thyme. Why not?
It was very warm day but even worse, it was humid as H - E - Double Hockey Sticks. So, when we were finished with yard work, Mommy proposed an idea: let's run through the sprinkler!!

Surprise: you were down. You and I romped, ran, walked, hopped, skipped and jumped through the sprinkler. Charlie even got in on the action a bit, but he definitely wasn't as into the idea of getting very wet.

You and I were both fully dressed (although I only had flip-flops on while you had socks and sneakers - gross!) and we were both completely soaked in no time. It was refreshing and fun. And daddy wouldn't join us. Because he's a party pooper. ;-P

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